Lockdown Project

One of the bands to watch in 2003

Jo Whiley, BBC Radio One

Combine some sharp lyricism and grinding beats, now swab it with real-deal Latin guitars and underpin it with 80’s metal and the odd bit of sing-a-long chorusing and you have one of the most fresh sounding entities in a long while. Vocally the band are very diverse alternating between rousing rap and boisterous shouts to more soulful singing, combine this with some truly top class Latin guitar playing and the resulting concoction is quite unique. Uniting an array of genres including Rock, Pop. Ska and Hip Hop, LDP have a wide appeal, attracting the skate loving youth and older music listeners alike, while their latin grooves and good looks also ensure they are a hit with the ladies. – And if you’re left wondering how on earth that could possibly translate to the stage… Lockdown Project then, are less of a pleasant surprise and more of a complete revelation!

Top Tip for 2003


The band hail from Midhurst, Portsmouth and Bath and have already gained a cult following in their home towns. James and Ben share a particular love of rock music from a number of years through their teens listening to Metallica, and they believe small elements still come through in the music. James is one of the main writers along with Ben who believe Lockdown’s main comparisons lie with bands such as Cypress Hill, Glove and the Special Source. LDP manage to combine elements of the rock fraternity successfully with pop, ska and hip hop. When asked what genre fits their sound; “Decide for yourself, make something up” grins Ollie the band’s front man “It’s not something we tend to worry about too much. We are what we are. It works for us. Anything else is a bonus.” Simply put, that is an effortless cross over that makes the LDP one of the most refreshing and unique new bands of 2003.

With a stadium tour of Europe, a performance at the prestigious MONTREUX JAZZ FESTIVAL and support slots consisting of KOSHEEN, OZOMATLI, and the legendary CYPRESS HILL already under their belt. The Lockdown Project are set to be the surprise package of 2003!!!

Durch ihre Bühnenerfahrung, die sie u.a. bei einer Tournee durch Europa, einem Gig beim nicht ganz unbekannten MONTREUX JAZZ FESTIVAL und Auftritten im Vorprogramm von KOSHEEN, OZOMATLI und den legendären CYPRESS HILL erhalten haben, kann man ohne Schamesröte im Gesicht behaupten, dass Lockdown Project das Überraschungspaket des Jahres sind!!!

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